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Sunday, August 1, 2010

How do you know where to start a blog?

O.K.  here I go!  I don't really know what I am going to say here, thus the name, I suspect I will babble a lot!  When thinking about what to tell my blog reading friends, I wondered, shall I tell you about the year I lived in a motorhome and traveled with no job, just working here and there?  Or should I tell you about working for Disneyland as a character, or maybe I should tell you about the car accident that made me afraid to drive for awhile so I worked in an all black bar as a waitress because I could walk there?  Or shall I tell you about my internet dating adventures, there's some funny stories to tell?  Shall I tell you about growing up in a family with 5 brothers and 1 sister and not realizing how poor we were until I grew up?  Shall I tell you about 11 days in London, just getting on a plane and not knowing anyone, or having any itinerary?  Shall I tell you about 14 days in South Korea, or my job as a clown?  So many choices, so I have decided that I will tell you all of it, and more.  I will probably blog the same way I talk, in random order, having one memory prompt another, but I will try to make it interesting and fun. If you haven't had the adventures I have, you can live a little vicariously through mine.  I will sprinkle today with yesterday, and I can't promise how often I will blog, but I will do my best to make you laugh at least once while you are reading it.  So fasten your seatbelts kiddies, we are in for a wild ride!


  1. I absolutely love it, Bev! I can't wait to read about all your adventures!

  2. Well, no doubt you are going to be great at this. I look forward to reading your adventures! You'll make the rest of our blogs seem dull. :o)
